
More Musings

Posted by on 4:10 pm in Musings | 7 comments

More Musings

I was never fully aware of just how difficult it is to be self disciplined until I sold my store and supposedly “retired”. Without the demands & needs of owning your own business and going to work almost every day, I have found it too easy to procrastinate on almost all tasks that I find to be less enjoyable. I’ve got plenty of projects to keep me busy (previous post), but still find myself gravitating to the easy ones. Of course, I suppose that is part of human nature, ie., we put off the least favorable tasks on our agenda. The big...

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Posted by on 2:44 pm in General Interest, Musings | 2 comments

It’s done. The building sale finally closed, the final escrow was released and the lawyer was paid. When I run into people that knew me from the store or from anywhere, they invariably ask me: “What are you going to do with yourself?” Or “How will you keep busy?” My response is usually a question like: “Why does retirement have to be all or nothing?” Followed by a statement that I’ve got plenty to do: like this blog; being the organizer of Oinktoberfest; helping with friends’ Facebook...

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Almost Done

Posted by on 5:05 pm in General Interest, Musings | 4 comments

I’m whittling down my list of unfinished business. Finally canceled the payroll service, dropped off paperwork for the accountant, canceled Workman’s Comp insurance, dealt with more dangling participles and almost closed on the sale of the building. Should be just a few more days. An 11th hour request for some additional paperwork set us back a little, but my lawyer says all thing are a go now. I went up to Clarence Town Hall to get the correct signed document. I’m very happy with the cooperation I have almost always had...

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A New Retiree

Posted by on 5:20 pm in General Interest, Musings | 1 comment

May 20, 2015, my last day officially as owner of Adventures in Heat. Most of my paperwork and other odds and ends had been piled into boxes and hauled to my house. My office administrative person had unfortunate emegency surgery that kept her away from working during this time. Not having the desire or time to effectively sort through everything myself, we just through it all into boxes. What a disorganized mess. Some observations of a new retiree: You need a focus, you need a hobby, you need to understand what the change in your life means...

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Hello to my new world!

Posted by on 10:21 pm in General Interest | 2 comments

Hello to my new world!

Welcome to my new world. I recently sold my retail business, Adventures in Heat, located in Clarence NY after 16 years. The new owners are a younger and much more energetic couple from Clarence, Bill and Marla Storr. They have chosen to change the name to Smoke Fire and Spice with the tagline of “For Your Adventures in Heat”.  They are keeping the basic theme of the store with BBQ centric products, gas grills, outdoor furniture and kitchens, hot sauces, snacks and spices. They have added a number of locally sourced items such as...

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