Events to me are usually a confluence of people & places. Events occur at places usually with other people, but not always. For example, the solitude and serenity of Gilbert Ray Campground was made by the place but still was an event to me.
Listed in no particular order are more events from the last few weeks of my time in the motorhome.
The Shindig in Ajo. That actually was what it was called. As I referred to in a previous post, this was what I call a “slice of Americana”. The annual event is part of the small town’s attempt at a comeback following the closure of the big open pit mining company.
Fred’s Arena. Twice. One afternoon drinking. Another for breakfast. My neighbors at the Desert Trails campground, Roy and Laurel were very generous and hospitable taking me to Fred’s Arena & Steakhouse located on a dirt road with virtually no signage. My other friends from that campground, Cori Young writes a wonderful blog that has a great post describing Fred’s in much more detail. Cori and her husband Greg decided to become full time RVers in their 40s. More power to them. Read their blogĀ HERE.

Breakfast at Fred’s
Hanging out at the floating bar at Foxs RV Park Resort in Parker AZ , meeting all kinds of people. Bikers, boaters, young, old, RVers, and just plain locals out for a good time. An eclectic mix of people, the location and the vibe made this an event.
Happy hour with some long term snowbirds at Shadow Ridge. I was the youngest there. Anna, the self appointed guardian of this campground, grabbed me for this event.
Dry camping at Gunsite Wash with George & Suzie. My first stop in the desert with no services at all. We celebrated St Patrick’s Day in style. I smoked a brisket and George cooked his in a pressure cooker on an ancient Coleman gas stove along with carrots, potatoes and cabbage. We all had a great time as you can see.
Easter dinner with Roy & Laurel. After having breakfast at Fred’s we had Easter dinner at my site. I cooked the ham and grilled sweet potatoes and Laurel cooked the asparagus with homemade hollandaise sauce.
Boat ride on Colorado River with Derek & family was the highlight of the trip so far. My neighbors at Foxs RV Park Resort were so accommodating to take me on a wonderful boat ride on the Colorado River. It brought back fond memories of growing up in the Great Lakes and spending much time on the Niagara River. It was a fantastic time.
These are by no means the only events that I can write about. Keep posted as I continue to update People, Places and Events. Sign up to subscribe to the blog. You’ll see it in the bottom right hand column. There is more to come.
By the way is that you on the water ski’s? Oh, that’s right you only wi ski, ha ha .
Cooliio Man! Look’s like you’re having a ball. Glad to see my brother happy. Love your Bro!!
Glad to see you enjoying the RV lifestyle. I was a customer of yours in WNY and also a judge at Oinktober. For the last 1.5 years, I’ve been dragging my cat around the country in a travel trailer. I left the SE just before you arrived but maybe we’ll cross paths someday.
Looks like you are enjoying the life, so many friendly rv’ers out the you could spend a couple of lifetimes trying to meet them all.
Don’t rush back here yet, still much too cold.
Safe travels.