
This blog is a chronicle of my ongoing adventures and activities following my retirement in 2015. For those that don’t know me, my name is George T Booth III. Many of you know me as the proprietor of a barbecue & hot store in Clarence, NY,  Adventures in Heat. After starting the store 16 years ago, I sold it in May 2015 to a local couple ready for a challenge who renamed it Smoke Fire and Spice.

I am a life long single who has lived alone for over 30 years, so my perspective on many things may be a bit different. I’ll leave that up to the reader to determine.

I also am one of the founders of Oinktoberfest a BBQ festival and competition at the Great Pumpkin Farm in Clarence, NY. I am still managing the BBQ side of things for the event.

To help keep my brain working, I still manage, design and work on websites. Click on any of the dropdowns in this tab to see some of the sites I have designed.

Please check back for updates as I reflect and muse on what retirement means and especially for my travel updates and pictures. Better yet, sign up to follow the blog in the box in the right side column. Check out my first post about the recent sale of my store and why it was time.