Trials & Tribulations of Road-tripping

RT 2016 post 3 - 19

Sedona, AZ

It’s amazing how much you learn about yourself and your surroundings while on a road trip. In no particular order I will list what I’ve observed and learned the last few weeks.

  • I do need conversation every day
  • I enjoy a good meal
  • You find better restaurants away from the interstates
  • I really really like laid back friendly places especially with no traffic lights or chain restaurants
  • I need to stop now & then for more than a day or two
  • I get altitude sickness which is a real bummer because it leaves out significant areas of the country that Iā€™d like to visit
  • I am more seriously considering buying an RV for the next extended road trip
  • I still need a base to call home
  • Desert mountains are different with no trees, more rocks and canyons in between which makes driving through them magnificent
  • Keeping in touch with old dear friends is very important
  • Wifi can be painfully slow & erratic such as today
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Wionderful Mexican food in Kingman, AZ


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Just traveling

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Leaving Flagstaff to go to a lower altitude

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Desert mountains at dusk. Amazing look.

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Visiting my friends George & Suzie dry camping in Borrego Springs, CA

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Why don’t the East coast rest stops look like this?

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Lots of rock


  1. George….it’s your pal steve from seafood dept at dashs..hey just Wanna say I finally Took some time to check out your webpage. Cool pics dude. And yes I know the southwest is gorgeous. Well take care and enjoy the rest of your adventure. Steve

    • Thanks for commenting. Always a pleasure when someone actually reads this blog and comments. See you some time in the future. I’m still going to spend summers in Buffalo. You really can’t beat (usually) our great weather during our short good season.

  2. Hi George ~ Thank you for the photos. That is one place in the country I have always wanted to experience.
    I am curious, have you seen any snakes or colorful lizards?
    How about UFO’s ~ have you seen any of those? Ha Ha Ha
    Hey, Sedona is supposed to be overflowing with them from what I hear. LOL I am serious.
    It is fascinating to learn & discover things about ourselves. It explains so much ~ fills in the blanks.
    Too bad about the altitude sickness. Maybe it will go away someday. Is that possible?

  3. Enjoyed chatting with you in the courtyard by the washing machine, in Tucson. Wishing you safe travels and good times.

    • Likewise to you. I am now doing my laundry. Can’t beat sitting outside. But I’ve got no one to chat with so I’m doing this. I also enjoyed our conversation. Many thanks for commenting.

  4. Who you callin’ old, Big Guy šŸ˜‰

    • The ambiguity of the English language. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜€