I finally hit the road Tuesday morning, 1/19 for the start of my 2016 roadtrip to the Southwest. I left a day later than originally planned to avoid the snows off Lake Erie.

This was the early part of first day
Plans were also altered to avoid what has been dubbed the Blizzard of 2016 which was moving from west to east ending up pounding the East coast and inland with record heavy snow. I just missed it by heading due south with just one stop, other than for overnight sleep. The only part of the massive storm that I encountered was torrential downpours during my overnight stop in Mississippi. There were also tornado warning posted, mostly east of where I was.
That one stop was at the new JR Cigar store in Mooresville, NC, which includes a walk-in humidor, a bar, a lounge area and even a seperate room that you can rent for a meeting. Great place. Spent some money and a little time to enjoy a smoke but I needed to keep moving.

The cigar lounge
Once I was far enough south, I headed west & was going across Louisiana. I saw that I was going to go through Lafayette and decided to stop and see an old colleague from my early days of the store. I used to sell the Cajun Grill and knew the family so I stopped by to see Keith. He was a gracious host and we spent time chatting about each of our recent life events.

Keith Guidry

The store front
By the way, this was the weather in west Texas after the storm system had gone by and was replaced by a high pressure system with cold but beautiful cloudless skies.

This is a couple of days ago
I’ve finally arrived in the Phoenix area and look forward to meeting up with a friend who is visiting his parents in this area. I look forward to finally relaxing, taking more pictures and updating this blog.
Thanks for reading and please leave comments. I’d love to hear from anyone who might be following me.
This is so fun reading your traveling blog George ~ I Love it. Yes, you got out of Dodge just in time.
I heard we are going to hit 70 degrees this week, that is after a 30 degree weekend of course.
Heard you bought a new rv. Can’t wait to see it. Hope your having fun, wish I were there. When will you be home? Take care of yourself, remember you used to call me DAD. Ha ha
Hey George. Enjoy your retirement.
Enjoy your trip George. Really sounds like a great time !! Be safe !
Thx. Good to hear from you. How did you find my blog?
Have fun on your trip George.
Stay away from the snow&tornadoes
.Enjoy The good food & friends
Safe travel
Many thanks Gaby. Please say hello to Len. I am enjoying being on tne road for real.
You are making good time and now in some much nicer weather.
Enjoy the southwest and sunshine. hope to meet up with you at some point would be awesome!