Part One: People
Probably the best part of RV camping are the people you meet. From the long termers to the overnighters, they come from all over the US and Canada. The sense of community is strong since we all have similar problems, stories to tell and a love for getting away. Some live in their RVs year around, many drive down from the North to escape the winter, then go back home for the better weather of summer and fall and some just are roaming like I am.
Curiously my favorite Rvers were a couple I met at my store years ago, George and Suzie: What more can I say about one of the most laid back & genuine couple I’ve ever known. They are my mentors for this whole Rving affair I’m having. They let me join them in the desert at a BLM dispersed camping sight in the Sonoran Desert. No utilities. Just depend on what you have on board, water, power, disposal. You learn how to live with very little, except time. George blogs about their experiences daily, Check it out: LINK

Dinner in the desert with George & Suzie

Taking my picture while touring the Organ Cactus National Monument

The Teddy Bear Cactus

George getting the cactus off of his shoes
In no particular order are some of the great people I’ve encountered:
Craig & Kathleen: At the Shadow Ridge RV park across from me. They invited into their motorhome for happy hour. From Wyoming with dog named Raisin
Dave & Sally: next door at KOA He was very helpful with all kinds of issues w/ the RV. He told me to get surge protector asap. Gave me his take on treating the black water tank. And a slew of other really good tips and hints.
Annie the 80+ woman who lives at Shadow Ridge RV park. Always on the go. She’s like the park’s social coordinator
Laurel & Roy next door at Desert Trails from Success SK. He was so generous with his help & took me to Home Depot to pickup a piece of plywood to fix the end of my bed. We also went to quaint bar and restaurant on a dirt road not far from the campgrounds called Fred’s Arena Bar & Steakhouse.


Roy and Laurel
Computer nerd Dave who has lived in his trailer for 22 years. I met him in the desert at Gunsite Wash. He offers his computer skills to well deserving Christian ministries at next to nothing and subsists by living in his RV on free campsites. He even has a website that goes into detail of how to tweak an RV to maximize his ability to stay disconnected from the grid.

Dave who did not want his face posted
There have been many others, just too numerous to mention them all by name. The discussions I have had in the past about the sense of community & camaraderie being a part of the RV experience has been proven to be very true.
Stay tuned for Part 2: Places
Yo George, it was good to meet you down in MS. I enjoyed your company. I hope I didn’t bore you to death with President trivia. Hope the rest of your journey is fulfilling and safe. Happy Travels,
You did not bore me with your President talk. It was very enjoyable. Which two Presidents were from Buffalo? Many thanks for reading the blog. Most bloggers really want people to comment. It makes them feel that people actually read it. The best to you. Please check back for updates or sign up for notifications. Thanks again.
going off the top of my pate, as is my last name, pate not top, millard fillmore is buried in buffalo, same cemetery as super freak rick james, and william mckinley was shot in buffalo at the world’s fair near the turn of the 20th century therefore allowing teddy roosevelt to become the youngest non-elected prez. again good pace and happy journey. drive wild and carry a big stick.
You didn’t answer my question. Which 2 presidents were from Buffalo? BTW, I made it home. Can’t wait to get on the road again.
i finally looked it up. the other prez from buff was stephen grover cleveland. so technically that makes three presidents from buufalo as he was numbers 22 and 24.
It is an amazing lifestyle and you will continually meet so many interesting people in your travels.
Enjoy everyday as it comes.
You know how much I appreciate your & Suzie’s input & what it has meant to me. Keep on truckin’ & I look forward to meeting up with you again to tell you more tales from the road.