Happiness on the Road

IMG_2247Happiness on the road can be a lot of different things, although the general theme  revolves around the people you meet. The following is a list of things that made me happy last year. There is no particular order and the punctuation and grammar are just what they are. Check the gallery at the bottom for an assortment of pictures trying to represent some of the many things that have made me happy while traveling.

  • Seeing beautiful sunsets and sunrises, more of the former since I tend to sleep in
  • Meeting Lynn, Cecil & Becky in Florida; Happy Hour around the campfire,
  • Christmas potluck dinner, hot mulled cider w/rum shared with Lynn
  • The scenery: from the variety of desert vegetation or the majestic mountains or the spectacular lakes and rivers
  • Enjoying some time with Gary & Debbie in their RV, eating cake and ice cream and meeting their son and his pregnant girlfriend
  • Dinner with Greg, twice in his motor home
  • Going to dinner at Fred’s with Greg & Laurel
  • New Year’s Eve at Betty’s for a White Trash party
  • Hanging out at Betty’s after happy hour in front of my RV, smoking’ a cigar and having a drink with some of the other campers there
  • Imposing myself on new friends Bonnie & Chip to take me with them for the tour of Avery Island, home of Tabasco Sauce. Had a great day with them
  • Bringing a roast & my grill to Laurel & Roy’s for dinner
  • Sitting outside while dry camping smoking a cigar & enjoying a drink
  • Dinner with Bret & Cheri: with great conversation made for a very enjoyable evening
  • Finally using my Dish regularly
  • Grilling and cooking a variety of different foods proving to me that you can have gourmet meals while traveling in an RV
  • Mostly the fun times are with new people I’ve met on the road
  • Staying at Harvest Hosts sites that are a great ways to dry camp & still interact with people. Tastings, tours, restaurant & farm stores
  • Just sitting outside and being able to watch TV. Clearly weather dependent
  • Visiting dear friends that I had not seen in years and being welcomed as a guest in their beautiful home
  • Going to the San Diego Zoo with my friends Joyce & Marc and her daughter, son in law & their two children
  • Taking a boat ride in Savannah Harbor on Kevin’s new mode of living and traveling, a large cabin cruiser



  1. George!! Where are you? We missed you this year…Roy has to head home tomorrow, and I will go in a couple of weeks. Too much snow and cold at home still!

  2. Sounds like a darn good year , I envy you .

    • Don’t envy, just get out there and do something that makes you happy.

      • Sound advice , thanks

  3. Very nice George. Thanks for sharing.
    Much Love & enjoy your adventure!!!

    • Thank you so much. Sorry we never connected while I was in town. I’ll make a concerted effort this summer.

  4. You mention Betty’s New Years Eve WHITE TRASH party; isn’t that supposed to be WORLD TRAVELERS?

    Glad to see you are posting again and hope we can pop a top (or two) later in the.year.

    • No. It really was themed “White Trash”. The idea was to dress up accordingly. Check out my post about Betty’s Web. Plenty of pictures.

  5. Living the life … WTG George!

    • Sometimes I actually feel guilty. Don’t you?